
Showing posts from September, 2023


How to stay focused and concentrated??? Are you excited to know how!!! Let's start with a story here. In the 1920s, a German professor named Eugen Herrigel moved to Japan. He came to teach philosophy at a university a few hours northeast of Tokyo, in a city called Sendai. To deepen his understanding of Japanese culture, Herrigel began training in Kyudo, the Japanese martial art of archery. He was taught by a legendary archer named Awa Kenzo. Kenzo was convinced that beginners should master the fundamentals of archery before attempting to shoot at a real target, and he took this method to the extreme. For the first four years of his training, Herrigel was only allowed to shoot at a roll of straw just seven feet away. When Herrigel complained of the incredibly slow pace, his teacher replied “The way to the goal is not to be measured! Of what importance are weeks, months, years?” When he was finally permitted to shoot at more distant targets, Herrigel’s performance was dismal. The arr

Non tech jobs

Introduction Who says that only jobs in IT can be high paying? There are also a handful of non IT jobs amongst India’s highest paying category. In India, we often have the misconception that if we do not pursue engineering or medicine after the 12th board exams, we may end up with non tech jobs that are not as high paying as jobs in IT. As per recent statistics, 43% of the positions as of now being recruited in tech organizations are non-tech jobs There is a rising demand for professionals in areas like marketing, product design, and management. According to Glassdoor, about 43 percent of the roles are non-tech. Also, some of them offer attractive pay packages to skilled practitioners. Highest paying non IT jobs Business analyst Market research analyst Digital marketing strategist Social media manager Marketing manager Business development manager Management consultant Investment banker Legal councillor Graphic designer and many more..... Let's see briefly about e