Is LinkedIn useful for graduate students ??? - AN OVERVIEW ON LINKEDIN

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. The goal of the site is to enable registered members to establish and document networks of people they know and trust professionally.

LinkedIn is also a resource for professionals to find jobs, research companies, and get news about their industry and business connections.

LinkedIn gathers data across LinkedIn profiles to provide policymakers, employers, workers, and educators with data-driven insight into patterns that help align workforce supply with demand worldwide. 

Overview of LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is a business and employment-focused social media platform that works through websites and mobile apps. It was launched on May 5, 2003. It is now owned by Microsoft.

LinkedIn's current CEO is Ryan RoslanskyJeff Weiner, previously CEO of LinkedIn, is now the Executive Chairman. Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn, is chairman of the board.

Founded in Mountain View, California, LinkedIn is currently headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, with 33 global offices. As of  December 2022, the company had around 21,000 employees.

 In April 2007, LinkedIn reached 10 million users In February 2008, LinkedIn launched a mobile version of the site. In November 2009, LinkedIn opened its office in Mumbai and soon thereafter in Sydney, as it started its Asia-Pacific team expansion. In 2010, LinkedIn opened an International Headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.  In 2022, LinkedIn earned $13.8 billion in revenue, compared to $10.3 billion in 2021.

Basic functionality

 The basic functionality of LinkedIn allows users to create profiles, which for employees typically consist of a curriculum vitae describing their work experience, education and training, skills, and a personal photo. Employers can list jobs and search for potential candidates. Users can find jobs, people, and business opportunities recommended by someone in one's contact network. Users can save jobs that they would like to apply for. Users also can follow different companies.  The site also enables members to make "connections" to each other in an online social network which may represent real-world professional relationships.

Users can interact with each other in a variety of ways:

  • Connections can interact by choosing to "like" posts and "congratulate" others on updates such as birthdays, anniversaries, and new positions, as well as by direct messaging.
  • Users can share videos with text and filters with the introduction of LinkedIn Video.
Users can write posts and articles within the LinkedIn platform to share with their network.

Uses of LinkedIn:

1. Personal branding

           LinkedIn allows professionals to build exposure for their brand within the site itself and on the World Wide Web as a whole. With a tool that LinkedIn dubs a profile strength meter,  the site encourages users to offer enough information in their profile to optimize visibility by search engines. It can strengthen a user's LinkedIn presence if they belong to professional groups on the site. The site enables users to add a video to their profiles. Some users hire a professional photographer for their profile photos. Video presentations can be added to one's profile. LinkedIn's capabilities have been expanding so rapidly that a cottage industry of outside consultants has grown up to help users navigate the system. A particular emphasis is helping users with their LinkedIn profiles.

2. Job seeking

Job seekers and employers widely use LinkedIn. According to Jack Meyer, the site has become the "premier digital platform" for professionals to network online. In Australia, which has approximately twelve million working professionals, ten million of them are on LinkedIn. According to one estimate based on worldwide figures, 122 million users got job interviews via LinkedIn, and 35 million were hired by a LinkedIn online connection.
In July 2011, LinkedIn launched a new feature allowing companies to include an "Apply with LinkedIn" button on job listing pages. The new plugin allowed potential employees to apply for positions using their LinkedIn profiles as resumes.

Here I provided a link that will be useful if you are a graduate and thinking to create a LinkedIn page, check here...

8 Benefits of having a LinkedIn profile for college students
  • Employment Opportunities. 
  • Easy Job Applications.
  • Skill Assessments. 
  • Initiate Connections.
  • Endorsement and Connections. 
  • Branding.
  • Get Job Alerts.
  • Positive Social Image.

Best practices for creating your LinkedIn profile

While the process for signing up for a LinkedIn account is relatively simple, there are a few best practices you want to keep in mind to create an effective LinkedIn profile:

  • Be sure to use a professional photo as your profile picture. This helps you make a good first impression on potential employers or business contacts.
  • In the About section of your profile, be sure to include a brief overview of your experience and skills. This is a great way to give potential employers or customers a snapshot of who you are and what you can do.
  • In the Experience section of your profile, be sure to list all relevant work experience, including job titles, dates of employment, and descriptions of your responsibilities.
  • In the Education section of your profile, be sure to list all relevant educational degrees and coursework.
  • In the Skills section of your profile, be sure to list any relevant skills or qualifications you may have. These could include things like proficiency in certain software programs or languages.
  • Be sure to connect with other LinkedIn members who you know and trust. This helps you build your network and expand your reach on the site.
Finally, don't forget to regularly update your LinkedIn profile as your experience and skills grow and ask the appropriate colleagues to give you a professional endorsement -- and be sure to provide them with one in return. This helps ensure that your profile is always up-to-date and eye-catching.

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